Saturday, April 20, 2013

Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole

We'we', whatever.  We' are not French, but we like to eat! 

New rule, when all else fails, make casserole.  Ok, not a rule, but a good idea.  This dish was the....can I say "bomb diggity"?

We have missed cooking for a few weeks due to various things.  Last Saturday we got in late from a wonderful week in Florida visiting Nicole, Corey and my son-in-law, Mike.  It was an awesome time with them.  We are some pretty proud parents and grandparents.  Thank you Father for our kids!  Corey is beautiful, by the way!

We missed cooking though and missed keeping all our followers up to date on our blog.  All two of you, Ryan and Sara.  And Ryan only because Sara makes him! Haha!

Anyhow, our choice to cook this casserole came from Pinterest.  Kathy and I ran to McKays and picked up some broccoli and odds and ends.  Earlier, Kathy had already picked guessed it!  Coleslaw!  Come on, you know why too!  Because we like it!!

Refer to the recipe, but we did some tweaking.  We took Chicken breasts and boiled them with Worcestershire sauce and 1/2 tsp of garlic powder.  Then we steamed 2 bunches of fresh broccoli and cut them into small spears.  We then pan fried ham steak and ground it up.  Next, with some wrist action we mixed 1/2 cup of sour cream, a can of cream of chicken soup and a tablespoon of Dijon mustard.  Lastly, prepare six ounces of Pepperidge Farms seasoned cubed stuffing moistened with 8 ounces of chicken stock.  Now, say that 5 times real fast!

Placing the broccoli in the casserole dish with care but not to be left alone, we put in the chicken and ground up ham.  Oh boy, then we smothered it in the sauce mixture, added slices of Swiss cheese and finished it by topping it all with the stuffing.  Cook on 350 for 35 minutes!  Yeah!

Food scale score: 4.5...yeah, you want some don't you??

To all our blog followers (Ryan and Sara), please offer some of your recipes.